Children’s & Youth Ministries
Nursery (ages infant-3 years old) is offered during both the morning and evening church services. The nursery is located just off of the narthex.
Mother’s Room
Adjacent to the nursery, mothers can find a comfortable & quiet room to care for their infants and young children. The room has a changing table stocked with diapers & wipes and a large television for watching the service.
Children’s Worship
Children’s Worship is offered for 3 & 4 year olds during the morning worship service. Children are dismissed to their worship time during the final song prior to the sermon (this is indicated in the bulletin). They will learn a Bible story, sing, color, and make a craft. (Children’s Worship does not meet on Communion Sundays.)
Children’s Worship meets in the basement, in the classroom across from the kitchen.
Sunday School
Sunday school classes are offered for children pre-K through 4th grade. Classes are held from September through May on Sunday mornings in the church basement. Sunday school starts at 10:45 a.m.
Kids’ Softball Team
Boys and girls ages 8-13 are invited to play on the Borculo CRC Kids’ Softball team! No experience necessary. Games are played on Wednesday evenings at various fields. The season begins in June, after the school year ends, and it wraps up in July. The team meets for some practices before the first game.
This club is for boys in 4th grade–8th grade. They meet in the Cadet Building at the back of the church parking lot on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month from 7-9 p.m. from September–March.
GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meetings the Savior) is for girls in 4th grade-8th grade. They meet in the church basement from 7-9 p.m. on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month from September-March.
Catechism Classes
Catechism classes are courses for instruction in our faith. Students in grades 5–8 meet together and grades 9–12 meet together on Sunday mornings from 10:50 a.m.–11:45 a.m.
Catechism meets from the end of September through May.
Middle School Youth Group
For students in 6th–8th grade. This group meets twice a month for a lesson and games and once a month for an activity outside of church.
Senior High Youth Group
For High School-age students in 9th–12th grade. This group meets two Sunday afternoons a month from 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Post High Group
For college-aged students. This group will begin meeting in this fall! Watch our Facebook page and website for details.