Join us for worship.

Morning Worship Service

Our morning service begins at 9:30 am. When you come in the main entrance, head up the stairs, where you will be welcomed by greeters. They can assist and answer any questions that you may have.


Nursery is provided for young children (ages infant-3 years old).

An usher will assist you in finding a place to sit and provide you with a bulletin, which includes the order of worship and church announcements. Bulletins are also located at the back of the sanctuary.


Borculo CRC uses a variety of contemporary songs and traditional hymns for our worship services. Our mission is to proclaim the Word of God—each service is centered around a passage of scripture which the minister reflects on during a message.

We have two offerings for the morning service. The first is typically for the church’s general fund, and the second is for another designated cause.

Currently, offerings are being accepted in offering plates located outside of the sanctuary. We encourage you to fill out one of our visitor’s cards located in the pews and leave it in an offering plate.


We offer Children’s Worship for preschool-age children during the morning service. The children are dismissed for Children’s Worship during the song prior to the message (this is indicated in the bulletin).

Children’s Worship is located in the basement of church, near the kitchen. Stairs are located at the back of the sanctuary and will lead you into the basement.

The morning service generally lasts about an 1 hour and 15 min.


Sunday School and Catechism classes are held after the morning service for children preschool age through high school. Sunday School begins at 10:45 am and Catechism begins at 10:50 am.

Evening Worship Service

Evening service begins at 6:30 pm. The evening service is similar to the morning service and lasts for about 1 hour.

Nursery is provided during the evening service; however, Children’s Worship does not meet.

The membership at Borculo CRC is a healthy blend of ages and families. Whatever your age, visitors will find many families of their own age. We welcome new members and visitors to Borculo CRC.

Holiday Services

At Borculo CRC, we celebrate holidays throughout the year with special worship services.

Please click below for information on our upcoming Christmas services!