2024 Church Committees
Elder Representative +
Deacon Representative #
Executive Committee: Steve Schrotenboer, Dave Huizenga, Russ Overweg, Andy Mitchell, Jacob Sposaro
The Executive Committee is responsible for all organizational matters, fiscal affairs, and the supervising of church employees.
Discipleship Directors: Steve and Kim Gruppen
Maintenance Director: Doug Engelsman
Technology Director: Matt Geurink
Capital Improvement Committee: Doug Engelsman, +Dennis Aukema, Pat Overway, Kim Gruppen, #Brandon LaRosa, +Steve Schrotenboer
Life & Service Committee: +Cal Brandsen, #Andy Mitchell, Ter Sterk, Jeff & Anna Machiela, #Dan Geurink
Fellowship Committee: +Dennis Aukema, #Jacob & Morgan Sposaro, Tammy Walters
The Fellowship Committee organizes activities which encourage interaction and community within the congregation.
Missions Committee: Ken & Deb Austhof, #Brian Clay, Jamie & Kim Meppelink, Bill & Jody Broekhuizen, Ruth Essenburg, +Terry Geurink
The Home and World Missions Committee carries out the church’s intent to be missional, sharing the good news about Jesus Christ by supporting and partnering with missions and church planting efforts locally and around the world.
Community Outreach: Jer & Bev Machiela, Juan & Bridgette Sarmiento, Xiomara Sarmiento, Bob Brunink, Tanya Bosch, Nicole Broekhuizen, Scott & Jill Gruppen, +Jim Gruppen, #John Tolsma
The Community Outreach Committee engages with people in our community by hosting various events such as Vacation Bible School, Fall Fest, and community work projects.
Sub Committees:
Cemetery: Rob Overway, Paul Geurink, Steve Schrotenboer
Meal to Families: Linda Geurink
Coffee Servers/Cookies: Tammy Walters
Funeral Committee: Mary Nienhuis, Bev Boever, Bev Geurink
Wednesday Night Suppers: Jan Gruppen, Bev Geurink, Harriet Ten Broeke, Linda Geurink, Bonnie Schrotenboer